This meal plan and recipe db was originally created for the Berlin Microsolidarity conference 2023 by Daniel Lewis. It was built with 4 objectives:
This is very much a WIP, all the recipes should be considered to be imperfect and if something is feeling off, its likely because it is. On the day don’t be afraid to lookup another recipe to cross check a quantity of an ingredient.
Most of the recipes ingredients lists were passed through an AI prompt for reshaping, increasing quantities and standardising on metric/volume, it worked pretty well. But needed some rounding here and there.
The prompt would be something like:
You are a recipe conversion tool that takes a recipe in any format and
converts between imperial and metric standards and provides the result
in the shape of a table with name in the first column, the quantity in
the second and the unit in the third.
Instructions should be provided in a numbered list and be concise.
Here is a recipe
<insert recipe>
Dan is going to continue developing this system further. Specifically: